Wet Granulation Machine


Осциллирующий гранулятор: Полное руководство по покупке в 2024 году

Are there any perfect solution for forming the required granules from moist power material with high standard and low price? Are you searching for the new type of oscillating granulator with high quality?
When it comes to turn powders into granules in the pharmaceutical, food, chemical ceramics or related industries, the oscillating granulator is always your best choice. Following this guide, you may get the most detailed information about its type, working principle and application industries, etc. Let’s get started now!

Осциллирующий гранулятор: Полное руководство по покупке в 2024 году Read More »

Быстрый гранулятор-смеситель: Полное руководство в 2024 году

Granulation is an essential process of tableting lines in many industries such as pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, herbal, chemical, etc. For granulation, rapid mixer granulators are a must-have unit. These types of equipment have compact structures and ergonomic designs that carry out both dry as well as wet mixing.
You can simply consider them as an investment for a long time. You can make good decisions about buying when considering all the aspects of the rapid mixer granulator that we’re going to discuss here. This guide “Rapid Mixer Granulator: The Complete FAQ Guide in 2024” will answer all your queries regarding rapid mixer granulators.

Быстрый гранулятор-смеситель: Полное руководство в 2024 году Read More »


Что такое мокрая и сухая молотковая обработка?

Did you know the process of milling touches unlimited things around you daily?
Everything from food to medicines, house paint to types of cement, and face creams to viscous solutions requires milling in their manufacturing.
Milling itself has common categories, that’s wet and dry milling. These are the most effective and commonly used methods with countless benefits.
Whether your formulation follows wet or dry milling; it has numerous challenges and factors you must take into account, such as its type of material, size of the particle, shapes, etc.,
In this blog, you will find the important breakthrough distinction between these two milling procedures. We promise by the end of this article you will be having a clear concept of these milling processes. Let’s read on!

Что такое мокрая и сухая молотковая обработка? Read More »


Фармацевтическое понимание грануляции: общая картина

Have you ever wondered how evenly distributed particles flow smoothly during pharmaceutical preparation? We think so! For solid dosage form, you need to transform small powder particles into an agglomerate. We called it ‘Granules’.
A small granule is of great value in terms of medicine. In pharmaceutics, granulation is a key technique that is performed for every solid dosage drug. Pharmaceutical granulation is a science of technique where each and every step has a magical outcome. This paper gives advice on important granulation techniques available for pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Фармацевтическое понимание грануляции: общая картина Read More »

blister packing

Мокрое гранулирование ПРОТИВ Сухого Гранулирования

Granulation is a commonly used term in the pharmaceutical industry that refers to the formation of grains or granules ranging in size from 0.2-0.4mm.
The granulation process plays a vital role in the production of solid dosage form both capsules and tablets. It is the procedure in which particles are enlarged and granules are produced. Granulation modifies the powder into dust-free granules.
Compression of tablets is achieved by granulation. It also enhances the packing of dry granules and creates a coating for drugs for their sustained release. There are two main types of granulation: wet and dry granulation.
To know more about the major differences between wet and dry granulation. Keep reading this informative review.

Мокрое гранулирование ПРОТИВ Сухого Гранулирования Read More »

High Shear Granulator

Гранулятор с высоким сдвигом:Окончательное руководство по импорту в 2024 году

High shear granulators are used for mixing/blending various kinds of substances. It helps in the clumping and agglomeration of various residues by assimilating solutions or fluids and strong mixing.
The mixing of substances in different industries like pharmaceutical and detergent is achieved by high shear granulators. These are also called ‘rapid mix granulators.

Гранулятор с высоким сдвигом:Окончательное руководство по импорту в 2024 году Read More »


Машина для мокрого гранулирования: Полное руководство по покупке в 2024 году

Wet granulation is a process in which there is formation of granules by the application or introduction of a fluid (called granulating fluid) into the powdered medications.
In the process of wet granulation, the particles of the powdered substance are mixed along with the application of granulating liquid.
A granulating fluid is a liquid that has a carrier substance (can be solvent) in it. An important requirement for the carrier substance is that it must be evaporative.
The reason behind the requirement of volatility of carrier is that the granulating fluid can easily be removed.
Also, the granulating fluid must be non-toxic so that it may not harm the medication they are used to prepare.

Машина для мокрого гранулирования: Полное руководство по покупке в 2024 году Read More »

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