Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer


В чем разница между мазью и кремом?

Ointment and cream are terms that are often interchangeably used. But these two are not alike. These semisolids are mostly used for skin treatment and care. However, these two products have quite different purposes due to their different composition.
Here is the information blog “What is the Difference Between Ointment and cream” that will inform you all about ointment and cream when they should be used.

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Масло в воде против воды в масле эмульсий

In 2015 Grand View Research estimated the worth of global food emulsifier market to be approximately $4.3 billion. Mankind has been using emulsions since the beginning of times and the first food-based emulsion is none other than milk itself. However, the first classification of emulsions was published in a 1910 research article by Wolfgang Ostwald.
Not only margarine, butter, ice-cream are emulsions but creams, lotions and liniments are also classified as emulsions thereby encompassing food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic industries within its scope.

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Типы эмульсий – более широкие аспекты

In pharmaceutics, emulsions can be explained as a two-phasic system that is immiscible with each other and thereby dispersed as fine globules throughout the other. Emulsions can be further classified on the basis of their constitution, their particle size, and on consideration of their method of administration.
Up till now, you might’ve already been acknowledged by oil in water and water in oil terms. This might even seem confusing to you, right? But no worries, we’re here to help you figure out what actually these double emulsions are! Not only them, but you will also get to know, some other categories in which emulsions can be identified. Are you wondering how come two immiscible or two unlike meet when it’s popularly said, two unlike never meet?

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Фармацевтическая эмульсия – Углубите свои знания!

Do you know what happens when you mix water with oil? Why do oil and water form two separate layers? How immiscible liquids are mixed perfectly?
The phenomena of mixing two immiscible phases e.g., oil and water are known as ‘Emulsion’. The pharmaceutical emulsion is found everywhere around the manufacturing world. Whether from medicine to nutraceuticals, cosmetics to foods, beverages to crude oil; pharmaceutical emulsion is crucial for the best quality of the product. In this article, we will talk about deepening the science behind this phenomenon. How to form, break, classify, emulsifying agents, and much more!

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Типы Вакуумных Эмульгирующих Смесителей Для Фармацевтики

An interesting phenomenon of drug formation begins with mixing. Every pharmaceutical product follows a multistep mixing procedure to form an excellent and smooth textured product. With more advancement in technological sciences has emerged innovative solutions for mixing job. Yes, we are talking about a vacuum emulsifying mixer.

You must have aware of this technology; a closed system with internal pressure gets lowered than atmospheric pressure to create a vacuum. In the context of mixing and drying, this technology has been a game-changer since pioneered in the 1970s. In this interesting article, Types of Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer for Pharmacy will be discussed.

Типы Вакуумных Эмульгирующих Смесителей Для Фармацевтики Read More »


Типы вакуумных эмульгаторов для фармацевтики

An interesting phenomenon of drug formation begins with mixing. Every pharmaceutical product follows a multistep mixing procedure to form an excellent and smooth textured product. With more advancement in technological sciences has emerged innovative solutions for mixing job. Yes, we are talking about a vacuum emulsifying mixer.

You must have aware of this technology; a closed system with internal pressure gets lowered than atmospheric pressure to create a vacuum. In the context of mixing and drying, this technology has been a game-changer since pioneered in the 1970s. In this interesting article, Types of Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer for Pharmacy will be discussed.

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Машина для производства зубной пасты: окончательное руководство по импорту в 2024 году

Toothpaste is our most common daily necessities as its various uses,such as freshening the breath, helping to prevent oral problems including halitosis, whitening the teeth and helping with overall teeth cleanliness.
However,the effectiveness and quality of toothpastes are regarded from its different formulations each delivering unique characteristics.
Finally, its overall performance in teeth protection and beautification depends on how efficient and good mixers are in processing and manufacturing these toothpastes delivered in tubes through the toothpaste making machine.
Now I will use this guide to introduce every aspect about this toothpaste making machine.
Getting to know all of them,you will become an industrial expert .

Машина для производства зубной пасты: окончательное руководство по импорту в 2024 году Read More »

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