Stick Pack Pouch


Как выбрать правильную упаковку для вашего продукта

Product packaging is a process of material choosing, carton designing, crafting, information printing and part assembling. It protects your products, attracts your customers and benefits transportation.

Don’t judge something from its appearance but your first understanding of a products comes from its packaging. Good packaging of products can help you attract the first attention of customers. And only attracted by the product, can customers get the next move, like to find out the content, efficiency and so on.

Products packaging has thus an important state. Present technology benefits packaging process and can make various package easier. But to make the real suitable and popular packaging, it isn’t a easy work.

What is the right products packaging? How many types of products packaging are there? And most important, how to choose the right packaging for your products? If you want to make a qualified and high-standard packaging, come on and have a read.

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Упаковка меда: Полное руководство по часто задаваемым вопросам на 2024 год

Honey packaging is an integral part of agriculture industry. Honey use in culinary as well as in medical field for treating skin illness and other diseases is possible due to packaging. Only in the USA, honey production and packaging were about $ 4.7 billion in 2017. Attractive packaging that embodies the spirit of brand is must in luring customers towards retail shelves. A myriad of plastic and glass jar designs are existed in market for magnetizing passersby.

Упаковка меда: Полное руководство по часто задаваемым вопросам на 2024 год Read More »

Стафф-паки для быстрой и безопасной упаковки

Pharmaceutical companies focus not only on the quality of the product but the evolution needed to bring in their respective products, either through the quality of the finished product or processing and packaging.
The idea of stick packing was first brought about by the food industry, and later on, adopted by many other industries. A stick pack offers reliable dose delivery as it is pre-measured content for individual use, ensuring no or minimal wastage of materials, and hassle-free transportation. Stick Packs For A Fast And Safe Packaging,

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FFS против FS

Choosing the right packaging equipment is absolutely the final step of your business process. Importantly, executing them correctly will not only preserve your brand’s identity and product’s quality but makes it suitable for the end-user. For packaging machines, however, there are two commonly used machines; Form fill seal (FFS) and Fill Seal (FS). Both of them are suitable and efficient in their own ways but you have to choose them considering your business applications. We’re here to differentiate between these two to assist you with which of the following is best for you!

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Стик-Пакет- Защита со Всех Сторон

Stick pack is the most popular packaging solution of unit dosage form that is widely accepted globally. The formatting of the stick pack offers economical mode protection and accuracy to your formulation. It is a narrow, sealed, tube-shaped packet like a stick of chewing gum preferred by consumers due easy to handling, attractive packing, and convenience. The stick pack market has demonstrated the fastest growth record in 2011 with a CAGR of 6.26% which has estimated up to 316.6 million USD in 2020. In this short report, we will highlight important aspects of stick packs as a better alternative to strip pack, bottle, or blister packaging. Read on to learn more!

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Все, Что Вам Нужно Знать О Пакете Stick Pack Pouch?

Stick pack pouch comes from its name indicates,”stick” format,the quantity of its content is not standard, that is to say that each product or brand chooses the ideal dosage.
Now single-dose or unit-dose packaging become popular with the arrival of stick pack pouch,with its arrival,the errors of dispensing drugs have been avoided and the costs have been optimized.

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